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NatuGena Seminars

We want to get to know you as a person and offer you the opportunity to make new contacts. That is why we are delighted to be able to organize top-class face-to-face seminars for our partner network. These take place all over Germany with our renowned experts on relevant and current topics.

The seminars are comprehensive, interesting and detailed. The location offers an ambience that leaves nothing to be desired.

The events can be booked online via our seminar overview.

We currently only offer training courses and seminars in German. Please contact us for individual information.

Upcoming Seminars


Forever Young – Better Aging: Mitochondrien & Vorsorge

Dr. rer. nat. Heiko Hofmann
Alterung aus biologischer und medizinischer Sicht
Dr. med. Robert Percy Marshall
Mitochondriale Dysfunktion als zentraler Schlüssel der Lebensstil-/Longevity-Medizin
Prof. Dr. Michaela Döll
Frauen sind anders – aber auch anders krank
Langlebigkeit: Sehnsucht und Wirklichkeit – Welche Rolle spielt die Epigenetik?
Julia Tulipan
Protein, der missverstandene Nährstoff
Robert Barring
Mineralien & Spurenelemente
Uwe Gröber
Longevity – Senolytika und Senomorphika: Im Kampf gegen neurodegenerative Erkrankungen
Fettlösliche & wasserlösliche Vitamine

Fortbildungspunkte: beantragt (noch nicht final genehmigt)


My Seminars

Currently not registered as a participant in any seminar

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